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It has been a wild few weeks both in the markets and for me in general. Two weeks ago I was in Omaha, Nebraska attending the Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholder meeting. It was an amazing time as always as we are able to sit and listen to two greats of business and investing in Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. It really does not get much better than that, to be honest, and this year was no exception. For those of you who follow me on Twitter, I was providing updates throughout the day of things that I found interesting or thought should be passed along. And if you do not follow me on Twitter feel free to as I tend to Tweet about articles I find interesting and am posting on my Facebook page. My Twitter account is @kirkgmeyer, and my Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/kirkgmeyer/. I welcome you to follow one or both as I do get some good information up on the site and out through Tweets.

I finished my research on my next book project and will be starting to write it in the next few weeks. This book will be about the stock market and how it works. I think it will be a great addition to my works that are published on Amazon.com and for all of them you can visit my Author Central page at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00J0X3S9S. The next book on the stock market does look to be promising and will provide a basic overview of how the market works and to a degree how stocks work as well. If the book goes as I think it will, I will also be developing a video course based on it as well. That will be made available through Udemy with special promotions to those who have signed up on the website for my free email newsletter.

If you have not signed up for the email newsletter, it is one that I will be utilizing more going forward for longer special articles and white papers that will not be made available through blogs. I will also use it to notify when I will release books and videos before their actual release. And as in the past, I will normally offer my books for free, and all I ask in return is for an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads, preferably both though. It is a major source of book sales generation so if you like the blog and would like to help out it would be greatly appreciated. Also, as a thank you for your email address and trust, I offer my personal spreadsheets that can be used for debt reduction and budgeting that I offer for sale otherwise on Fiverr. All of that is just for your email and trust, and I promise I will not bombard your inbox with a bunch of unwanted emails. I hate that as much as you do so I will respect your trust and keep it to a minimum with regards to what is sent out. But as I said, when I do it will be longer white papers or special offers not made available to everyone else here on the site so be sure to sign up to get the valuable information available only there.

Just as I will make the latest book into a video course available in Udemy and I am creating a YouTube Channel in which I will make short videos on a variety of subjects that are covered here on the site. My first will be a series of tutorial videos on a suite of personal finance spreadsheets I have used now for over three years from Simple Planning which I am an affiliate of. These are some of the best spreadsheets I know of and are offered at a very reasonable price either individually or as a group. The first spreadsheet I will place on YouTube will be about their 401(k) calculator and how to best use it for the everyday person. It is a simple yet powerful spreadsheet, and I am sure it will make a good first series for the YouTube Channel. That and I think it will be a great way to show you just how useful and good the series of spreadsheets are. If you are interested, you can find them at http://bit.ly/2r5QIZ1.

And finally, I have been listening to some podcasts while I work and I am seriously thinking of starting a weekly show as well. Many of the blogs I write can be converted not only to YouTube videos but can be done as 20 to 30-minute podcasts as well where I am free to go into more detail than I do in written form. And after I get established on that I am hoping to do interviews with other bloggers, authors, podcasters and industry experts. I think that this will be yet another way to get some of the valuable information posted here out to people who may not have the time or desire to read it and would rather listen to what is posted. I know I have enjoyed the ones I have listened to recently and think it will make a good transition from here to the land of podcasts.

I hope you are all enjoying the posts and topics and I will continue to post valuable information for everyone. And now I will be venturing out into other mediums as well to get the message across. I would love to hear from you as to what you like and do not like about the website and my future plans. I welcome any and all and am always looking for ideas for posts so if you have something you want to be covered let me know that as well. Thank you for being a member of this small but powerful community.

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