What to do with your emergency funds? If you are prudent, you have amassed an emergency fund that is equal to anywhere from three to nine months of fixed expenses and up to a year to two if you [...]
A few weeks ago I posted a video on YouTube and on the www.kirkgmeyer.com blog site that dealt with debt reduction. If you missed that video, feel free to see the archives to the right of this [...]
Do you have a child, children or grandchildren who you want to go to college? Are there education expenses that you could be planning for that you want to address now? If so, a state-sponsored [...]
With the talk and actions surrounding tariffs and trade wars, we will not really focus on the current stock market conditions this week. Instead, we will examine some things that are going on [...]
Now if you have been prudent and saved appropriately during your working years you may have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) that may have a required minimum distribution. At age 70 ½ [...]
How can Millennials save for a comfortable retirement? Well, they will have to face challenges that their parents and grandparents have not had to face. In this post, we will examine three [...]
What is the right price for financial advice? Well, that depends on what you are looking for and what the qualifications are of the person you seek advice from. And in today’s world, there are an [...]
What is the right price for financial advice? Well, that depends on what you are looking for and what the qualifications are of the person you seek advice from. And in today’s world, there are an [...]
For a week one of my bestselling books on Amazon.com, How the Stock Market Operates, will be on sale in the Kindle format for a week. This will be a Kindle Countdown deal as the book is normally [...]
In retirement, most people are worried or concerned about outliving their money. While this is a legitimate concern here are eleven ways in which you can go broke in retirement and some solutions [...]