I found a Copyright 2006 Equitrend, Inc. article I thought needed to address. Please read on about Stock Market Timings and then the reasons against it. Much has been written about the virtues [...]
The Efficient Market Hypothesis has been under fire since Eugene Fama of the University of Chicago Graduate School Of Business first suggested it back in the early 1960s. The central idea behind [...]
Okay, with the situation in Ukraine and the remnants of the epidemic still with us, what are you doing with the markets? Yes, the markets are volatile right now, and in many instances, the values [...]
To hedge against the falling dollar, many smart investors are turning to a more tangible asset, gold. There are many ways you can invest in gold, you can purchase stocks in gold mines, gold [...]
Walking through the financial maze of stocks, bonds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETS), and mutual funds can be quite a challenge. We offer the following tips to give you the know-how on building a [...]
Where to buy stocks? Silly question, you may say! Of course, you buy stocks via your broker or online using your brokerage account. But … It’s not necessarily that easy to buy foreign [...]
Sometimes you find yourself needing some money. Unexpected events such as a car breakdown can put a damper on your budget no matter how well you plan. When you need money and need it quick, you [...]
With interest rates on mortgages being extremely low, many people are looking to purchase their first home or possibly just a new one. What are the actual costs of two different types of popular [...]
Retirement may be a long way off for you – or it might be right around the corner. No matter how near or far it is, you’ve got to start saving for it now. However, saving for retirement isn’t [...]
Most people when asked today are either floundering in debt or asset rich and cash poor. This is because most of the funds and plans that people invest in are usually capital appreciation [...]