If you are young or old, it is never too late to start investing. The younger you are when you start the better off you will be. Yes, time is valuable when it comes to investing as compounding [...]
Are you nearing or in retirement? If so, then you need to be aware of the importance of maintaining a cash stash at all times for a variety of reasons. And for those who are younger, you need to [...]
If you are like many right now, your financial future, both immediate and in retirement, is in chaos. Yes, times are tenuous at best right now, and while we are opening back up, it is to an [...]
As a Registered Social Security Analyst and a Registered Financial Consultant, I know that for many people approaching retirement Social Security is a major issue and concern. For those of you [...]
If you are a Gen X or Millennial, you are not immune from needing to think about your retirement savings and financial planning. In fact, for Gen X, it is a little late but later is better than [...]
Do you have an Individual Retirement account (IRA)? Do you need to access that account and are not yet 59 ½ to avoid the 10% penalty imposed by the IRS? If you answered these two questions, there [...]
If you read my posts with any regularity, you are by now aware that I am a big advocate of people preparing early for their retirement. In fact, the sooner you start, the better off you will be [...]
When to elect to begin your Social Security benefits can be challenging in the best of times. I highly recommend you seek the advice of a Registered Financial Consultant or a Registered Social [...]
It is never to start soon saving for your retirement. It is a great thing for someone young who has some earned income to save a portion of it in an Individual Retirement Account for their [...]
With the start of a new year and new rules on when you must take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), we will examine how this affects many of you and [...]