Health Insurance is imperative for your daily savings and expenses. One can fall ill at any unexpected time, causing misery. Most importantly, if you are not covered with any health insurance [...]
“Even if you have been declined a loan elsewhere, you may be given the go-ahead for one of our adverse credit loans from our top lenders. We offer a wide variety of products; loan amounts, and [...]
I have a friend who insists on carrying her Social Security card in her wallet. I have (repeatedly) tried to warn her of the dangers of that practice, and I have explained to her that the Social [...]
Investing your money can be a great way to ensure your financial future. With the right investment choices, you can be sure to have money for emergencies, put it towards your children’s [...]
Refinancing can have other financial benefits besides lowering rates. Locking in rates can protect you from higher rates, saving you money on future interest costs. You can also change your ARM [...]
With higher education tuition increasing at double-digit year-over-year percentages, an effective saving plan for your kid’s education is becoming much more important than before. An [...]
If you ask the question, “My identity was stolen, what do I do?” then this post can help. I will go over some of the basic things you should do to minimize the impact of a stolen [...]
The last post looked at the advantage of a 30-year mortgage over a 15-year one, provided you invested the difference into a low-cost index fund. For more, see Benefits of a 30-Year Mortgage. We [...]
Few things are as stressful as financial problems. In fact, money worries can have a way of taking over our entire lives and making mountains out of molehills. It’s safe to say, therefore, that [...]
Your credit score could be the key to many doors of opportunity in your life, or it could be the curse that holds you back. Not only is your credit score the deciding factor in whether or not [...]