If you want to make sure that you have secured your future as much as you can, you will want to find someone who can give you competent, unbiased personal financial advice. Many people claim [...]
This week’s post is an extremely short one that has a simple message. Get out and vote! Regardless of your political affiliation, it is important that you ensure your voice is heard. Over [...]
Due to some maintenance on the site, there will be no post this Friday, September 18, 2020. The blogs will resume Tuesday, September 22, 2020, as scheduled.
Financial planning can be a complicated and confusing endeavor for many. As a Registered Financial Consultant, I am always looking for ways to improve my services on a variety of people I am [...]
Are you satisfied with the economy and the stock market? Do you think that all is well in these areas? If you answered no to either of these questions, you might want to seek the assistance of a [...]
Starting the New Year Starting the new year off right, well, 2018 is in the past, and we now must look to 2019 for the future. Let us take a minute to look at what has happened in the previous [...]
I am taking the week off to celebrate Christmas with my loved ones. I will be back next year on New Year’s Day on my regular schedule. A new year and new adventures in the financial world. See [...]
This is the time of the year where the markets tend to make minor corrections and pull back a little. The market sell-off this year during the previous few weeks has the appearance of being a bit [...]