As you may or may not be aware, I have a section on the site devoted to books I recommend for anyone who is interested in personal finance. While some of these books may be technical in nature, none are so complex that an everyday person would not get benefit from reading them. I have read them all over the years, and that is why I recommend them on my site. In some instances, it has been several years since I read them last but I am certain that they are still very much relevant today as they were at the time I read them.
Over the next several months I have decided to re-read these books and provide you with a detailed overview of what it is you can expect if you decide to read them as well. While all are still relevant, some may be more relevant than others. Some are more aimed at investing while others are geared towards all aspects of personal finance. But again, all of them are good and well worth the time you will spend reading them.
There is a fairly wide variety of books that I am recommending to my readers. There are two books that are more or less biographies of some extremely successful investors, including Warren Buffett’s. If you were to read two of the books from my list, that is one of the two I think everyone needs to read at some point. The other is a fictional book titled “The Richest Man in Babylon”. I think that is a book that needs to be read by everyone especially those who are still in school or college. It is a book that can set a good tone for someone who is young and wants to be successful with their finances. The rest of the books are geared towards investing many authored by Jim Cramer from CNBC’s Mad Money. Many people I know think he is just some crazy old man who happens to have his own TV show, but his books really do provide some extremely valuable investing advice that anyone can follow. And the rest are books on personal finance in general terms.
So while I will mainly be writing my typical posts over the next several months, I will from time to time throw in a review of one of these outstanding books. At any time, I welcome feedback on these posts and any others that I may write. I would also love to hear from you about anything in particular that you would like me to write about. If you are interested in getting these book reviews before I post them on the site, feel free to sign up for my email newsletters as I plan on sending them out as PDF’s about a week before I put them up here for everyone to read. And as a thank you for signing up on my site you are also going to be able to get my two valuable spreadsheets that can be used for budgeting and planning on getting out of debt. Of course, if you do not want to provide me your email you are free to purchase these really valuable spreadsheets on the site as well.
But as an added incentive to sign up for my occasional newsletter and the preview of the book reviews from now until the end of August I will be taking suggestions for future posts and for the one that I think is the best I will award a $25 gift certificate to as a thank you for signing up as well as providing me with an excellent idea for a future post. Again that will be available to anyone who is on my email list that provides me with the best idea for a future post. So if you are not currently on my email list, sign up today and submit your best idea for a future post.
As a heads up on the first book, I will review it is a new one that I just read in the last month or so. I found it a little too technical but think it will make a good review and is an outstanding book for someone who wants to be their own financial planner. And that book is “DIY Financial Advisor”. But before I write the review I will first look at some of the information that is provided on the author’s website and through their company. If you want to read the book ahead of the review, feel free to do so as well, and you can get your copy at, and it is the last book listed on that page.
That is where the site will be going over the next few months and where I hope you will be going with me as well. To have a chance at the Amazon gift card sign up for the free email newsletters as well as the two spreadsheets and submit a topic that interests you via email to me. And look for the first of many book reviews in the coming months. As always, I welcome any and all comments and thank you for being a valued reader.