According to a recent “Retirement Trends” survey by Fidelity Investments, 96 percent of Americans saving for retirement don’t know the current contribution limit for an [...]
Whenever you get involved with anything new, one of the first things you need to do is to learn the terminology associated with that activity. All businesses, industries, and even most sports [...]
In this world of tight budgets and economic uncertainty, and COVID, the need to find ways to help save money has people scrounging for how to save money tips. It is tempting to find one or two [...]
Most of us were intimidated of banks as children – these places always seemed to be abuzz with a lot of frenetic activity with serious-faced people milling about all over the place. For many of [...]
A cash-only budget is practiced by many every day. The question to ask, though, is it feasible to use this method of budgeting. As the economy slides more and more downhill, people become more [...]
Learning household budget planning techniques for the main benefit to your family means staying as debt-free as possible. There will always be some debt but keeping it to a minimum is the key to [...]
For many new investors, something which often worries them is “how much money do I need?” To start investing, you will probably be surprised to discover that you don’t need [...]
Here are seven great money tips for leading you to financial freedom. Regardless of where we are in life, we can all learn something about money and better prepare for our future, especially when [...]
A stock market correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small, and here are ten things to do and don’t do. Theoretically, even technically, I’m told, [...]
We are taking a break from our normal posts to wish everyone a Safe, Healthy, and Happy New Year 2021. Hopefully, we will all find 2021 a better year for many of us than in 2020 was for a wide [...]