Getting started in stocks and purchasing shares can be confusing for the beginner. Stock market investing can be very profitable, though, so it pays to learn some basics. However, once you master [...]
If you are one of the ordinary people out there in the United States who has only a little bit of money to invest, you may often say to yourself, “How does the stock market work? Can I [...]
Recently I made up my mind that I was going to become more proactive about my finances. For me, that meant learning how to invest. Finding a beginning guide to investing is the easy part but [...]
Getting started in stocks and shares can be confusing for the beginner. Stock market investing can be very profitable, though, so it pays to learn some of the basics once you master those basics; [...]
Updates for KG Meyer, PC now that we are nearing the end of the summer. It has been an outstanding year so far for the markets in general. With December being what it was, yes the markets have [...]
This week’s post is going to be a bit more self-serving when compared to others. This week I am going to promote some of my books that will be on sale this week on in their Kindle [...]
Do you have a topic dealing with finance that you want more information? Is there an issue that you would like to know more? Do you have a question that needs an answer on a finance matter? In an [...]
With the talk and actions surrounding tariffs and trade wars, we will not really focus on the current stock market conditions this week. Instead, we will examine some things that are going on [...]
For a week one of my bestselling books on, How the Stock Market Operates, will be on sale in the Kindle format for a week. This will be a Kindle Countdown deal as the book is normally [...]