I have a friend who insists on carrying her Social Security card in her wallet. I have (repeatedly) tried to warn her of the dangers of that practice, and I have explained to her that the Social [...]
If you ask the question, “My identity was stolen, what do I do?” then this post can help. I will go over some of the basic things you should do to minimize the impact of a stolen [...]
We all know that identity theft is a big, and growing bigger by the day, problem. Trying to get everything sorted out and back to the way it was before the theft can be a nightmare. To make sure [...]
Are you one of the millions of people who are worried about identity theft? If so, you are not alone in these worries. Take it from me; it can happen at any time and from any place. I have had my [...]
Are you one of the millions of people who are worried about identity theft? If so, you are not alone in these worries. Take it from me; it can happen at any time and from any place. I have had my [...]