I have a friend who insists on carrying her Social Security card in her wallet. I have (repeatedly) tried to warn her of the dangers of that practice, and I have explained to her that the Social [...]
If you ask the question, “My identity was stolen, what do I do?” then this post can help. I will go over some of the basic things you should do to minimize the impact of a stolen [...]
Okay, here is the situation and what may or could happen regarding the USPS, your mail, and paying bills on time. As many of you have noticed, USPS rates have gone up and extended delivery times, [...]
Does identity theft fraud only occur, or mostly occur online? Will you be protected as long as you don’t shop online? Nope, sorry, not even close. But that’s OK, even though would-be [...]
We all know that identity theft is a big, and growing bigger by the day, problem. Trying to get everything sorted out and back to the way it was before the theft can be a nightmare. To make sure [...]
In the course of the day, you do many activities that put your personal information at risk – from writing a check at the store to charging merchandise in person or over the phone. You may [...]
If you ever find yourself the victim of identity theft, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that since this type of fraud is happening more and more often, the process of putting [...]
Were you one of the millions affected by the credit data breach at Equifax? In fact, just about half the US population did, in fact, have a portion of their Equifax data stolen. I have worked for [...]
Are you one of the millions of people who are worried about identity theft? If so, you are not alone in these worries. Take it from me; it can happen at any time and from any place. I have had my [...]
Are you one of the millions of people who are worried about identity theft? If so, you are not alone in these worries. Take it from me; it can happen at any time and from any place. I have had my [...]