In this world of tight budgets and economic uncertainty, and COVID, the need to find ways to help save money has people scrounging for how to save money tips. It is tempting to find one or two [...]
Most of us were intimidated of banks as children – these places always seemed to be abuzz with a lot of frenetic activity with serious-faced people milling about all over the place. For many of [...]
A cash-only budget is practiced by many every day. The question to ask, though, is it feasible to use this method of budgeting. As the economy slides more and more downhill, people become more [...]
Learning household budget planning techniques for the main benefit to your family means staying as debt-free as possible. There will always be some debt but keeping it to a minimum is the key to [...]
For many new investors, something which often worries them is “how much money do I need?” To start investing, you will probably be surprised to discover that you don’t need [...]
Sometimes you find yourself needing some money. Unexpected events such as a car breakdown can put a damper on your budget no matter how well you plan. In situations where you need money and need [...]
When comparing active vs. passive investing and determining which investment method is best, the answer isn’t as clear-cut as you might imagine. Everyone has very different risk tolerance levels, [...]
Few things are as stressful as financial problems. In fact, money worries can have a way of taking over our entire lives and making mountains out of molehills. It’s safe to say, therefore, that [...]
Many people are finding themselves in debt and very stressed about it nowadays. To remove this stress from your life, you need to make a “getting out of debt” plan. Without a plan, [...]
When you go to the search engines to research the term “stock market in today’s economy,” you will get a lot of advice about what you should invest your money in and what stocks [...]