Money-Saving Tips to help you Retire a Millionaire – Let’s face it, when you’re young, thinking about growing old is a scary thought. Will I have enough money to retire at an [...]
Are you worried about your retirement? Are you worried you will not have enough money for your retirement? If so, you are not alone in these fears. Many approaches or enter retirement, wondering [...]
Exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, individual retirement accounts, and 401(k) accounts have seen an increase in the use of target-date funds. These are funds that invest with the idea of [...]
Early this summer I wrote a piece on the SECURE Act and how it changed some aspects of how retirement accounts are handled. This article will go over some of the material previously covered and [...]
Do you need long-term care insurance (LTC) or custodial care insurance? This is a question that everyone needs to be asking themselves when they are younger and in relatively good health. Because [...]
On August 4, 2020, I touched on what people can do to their portfolio in the current environment in a post titled, What to do with your portfolio? In that post, I briefly touched on a Vanguard [...]
Where are the markets headed? That is a question I hear and get a lot these days with the pandemic still raging throughout the globe. The answer is no one knows what will happen to the markets as [...]
If you are young or old, it is never too late to start investing. The younger you are when you start the better off you will be. Yes, time is valuable when it comes to investing as compounding [...]
Are you nearing or in retirement? If so, then you need to be aware of the importance of maintaining a cash stash at all times for a variety of reasons. And for those who are younger, you need to [...]
If you are like many right now, your financial future, both immediate and in retirement, is in chaos. Yes, times are tenuous at best right now, and while we are opening back up, it is to an [...]