Think hard about such a decision before you declare bankruptcy because you are stuck with several debts. There are good debt management techniques that you can opt to use to help you ease your [...]
Many people are finding themselves in debt and very stressed about it nowadays. To remove this stress from your life, you need to make a “getting out of debt” plan. Without a plan, [...]
Whatever be the method of debt management adopted, it must be effective towards debts. The ultimate aim of debt management must be to find a long-lasting solution for debts. Do remember that debt [...]
Guest Blog by Gloria Martinez Everyone experiences financial setbacks from time to time. Some setbacks are worse than others, but we have to create a plan to rebuild. [...]
A few weeks ago I posted a video on YouTube and on the blog site that dealt with debt reduction. If you missed that video, feel free to see the archives to the right of this [...]
With the talk and actions surrounding tariffs and trade wars, we will not really focus on the current stock market conditions this week. Instead, we will examine some things that are going on [...]
Here I have decided to take a moment to stop and introduce myself a little and discuss my credentials. First, I have been employed by the federal government since 1999 as either a bank examiner [...]