When you go to the search engines to research the term “stock market in today’s economy,” you will get a lot of advice about what you should invest your money in and what stocks [...]
Recently I made up my mind that I was going to become more proactive about my finances. For me, that meant learning how to invest. Finding a beginning guide to investing is the easy part but [...]
When it comes to selecting top-performing investment funds and unit trusts the bigger brand is not necessarily better. Choosing the wrong fund by investing with big brand fund managers could cost [...]
While quite a bit of time and research goes into selecting stocks, it is often hard to know when to sell – especially for first-time investors. The good news is that if you have chosen your [...]
Once you determine which business cycle the economy is currently in, you can start researching a trade. It is best to have a system in place that will be used before EACH trade. Here is a simple [...]
Many people try to locate and then buy value stocks. While that is a solid principle and one that generally leads to success, the question is, “How do I find and judge a stock?” Well, [...]
You might have heard of small individual stock investors becoming rich from a few wise investments and asked yourself, “Is the Stock Market Right For You?” Perhaps you long to become [...]
When it comes to investing, many first time investors want to jump right in with both feet. Unfortunately, very few of those investors are successful. Investing in anything requires some degree [...]
Alternative energy stock or renewable energy portfolios are a great part of a modern investor’s financial plan because there is so much upward potential. These make excellent long-term [...]
1) When my investment gets back up to what I paid, get me out. This is surely a big mistake. That stock has no idea that you’re waiting for it to go up so that you can sell. In some [...]