I am always on the lookout for new books on investing to read to broaden my horizons. I came across a Professor at the Wharton School of Business, Jeremy Siegel, who has written two outstanding [...]
How does a stock market crash occur can be answered fairly simply. It is down to a lack of confidence in the marketplace, and this can be due to any number of factors. We need to look at those [...]
Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I start investing”? Many people love to invest, but because they do not know where to start, they do not end up starting at all. Some people [...]
Many new investors jump into the stock market based on hearing the hype of how it’s possible to make great money investing this way. They may have heard of a friend who made a bundle with day [...]
For many new investors, something which often worries them is, “how much money do I need?” To start investing, you will probably be surprised to discover that you do not really need [...]
If you are young or old, it is never too late to start investing. The younger you are when you start the better off you will be. Yes, time is valuable when it comes to investing as compounding [...]
With the uncertainty in the markets, it is not a time to panic. It is time to consider buying quality dividend-paying stocks. While I am going to mention several dividend-yielding stocks in this [...]
With the recent turmoil in the markets, let us take some time to rethink what we need to do. Are you like so many right now, worried about the coronavirus? Are afraid that it will cause the [...]
Do you have a topic dealing with finance that you want more information? Is there an issue that you would like to know more? Do you have a question that needs an answer on a finance matter? In an [...]
Recently in a Money magazine article on dollar cost investing they made some very compelling arguments for not taking this particular approach. And to back up this claim is none other than the [...]