First I want to thank you for stopping by the blog site. I know you have an abundance of choices when it comes to personal finance but I hope to make this a unique site that deals with a wide range of personal finance topics. I will try to write engaging blogs that not only will give you some insight into a problem but also stay fairly current and relevant in my topics. Now personal finance can be a pretty broad topic so be prepared to be a little all over that spectrum. One thing that this blog will not do is get too political even though right now politics does have a direct impact on everyone’s personal finances. But regardless of your political tastes I will aim to provide you with solid advice regardless. And I am hoping you will be inclined to post comments and ideas as well. While I am going to provide an opinion on a problem or topic that does not by any means that there are no other views that would be good to be shared. So please if you have an opinion I welcome it as long as it is not an attack on me or anyone who takes the time to post a comment. How often will I post a blog? Well at least once a week for a standard blog and once a month I will do my best to deliver you a good lengthy blog that will really engage you and others.
But first let me tell you a little about myself and my background. I am Kirk G Meyer and I currently live in Nashville, TN working for the federal government. I have worked for the federal government first as a bank examiner and now in contracts since I graduated with my BS in Business Administration. I then earned a MBA and a MS in Accounting and currently am working on a MS in Financial Planning. In my little spare time I read personal finance books and do my own research on my personal investments. I am the type of person who you could say loves to learn and I am always up for a challenge and a new perspective on things. As for my hobbies I am a photographer and I collect coins.
Please feel free to contact me and I am always open to ideas from readers on topics. I look forward to providing you with some good content and hopefully some good ideas for your personal finance needs. And from time to time I will introduce you to various products I think you might find beneficial as well that are tied into or related to finance. Now be prepared to cover topics from retirement planning, insurance, investing, different markets and so much more. I will post something real soon I look forward to some interaction with you.