401(k) Retirement Loans

Sorry I missed last week’s post; time it seems got away from me somehow. It seems that it happens more and more these days. But I will double down and push ahead full force. The main reason for the missed post was I was working on a new extremely brief eBook that is now available on Amazon.com that deals with the hazards of 401(k) loans. This brief eBook has a minimal cost but can save you tens of thousands in lost earnings in your retirement account.

So, this week’s post will be brief as I finish up some items on the website and in my practice as things are going well in that regard. If you are interested in the new eBook, please send me an email at kirk@kgmeyerpc.com with 401(k) in the subject line, and for the next week, I will send whoever asks a free PDF copy of the eBook. It is a good, however brief, eBook and the definite hazards of taking out a loan against your 401(k) retirement accounts. Yes, they seem simple and harmless, but that could not be further from the truth of the matter. I highly encourage anyone thinking of one of these loans to please read this eBook and reconsider. Your retirement self will thank us both, and you will see just how harmful they can be.

So, for this chance to get the PDF eBook for free email me before next week’s post and I will forward you a PDF copy of the eBook for free. If you do request the PDF, I would appreciate any and all feedback that you have on the brief eBook. And of course, if you like it and would like to leave a review those are most welcome on the eBooks Amazon page which I will provide a link to shortly. But if you miss the opportunity to get the PDF for free, you can purchase the Kindle eBook at http://bit.ly/401kloan.  The cost of the eBook is only $0.99, but it really can save you tens of thousands of dollars in your retirement accounts.

After you have read the eBook and if you have any questions, feel free to email me directly at kirk@kgmeyerpc.com or leave a comment on this site, and I will be sure to reply to you. If you have a question, this is an excellent way for you to ask it and get an answer as I am sure you will not be the only one with the question. If you would like to have a free 15-minute consult, please visit my calendar site and sign up for a time that is convenient for you at https://calendly.com/kgmeyer. If you are in the metro Nashville area and would like to meet me and discuss your personal finances, I am available as well, and all you need to do is sign up at my calendar link, and I will be in touch. At KG Meyer, P.C., we strive to maintain our motto, “Personal Finance Made Simple ®.” We offer financial planning mainly in Nashville, Tennessee but can offer remote services to anywhere.

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