401(k) Retirement Loans: Loans that can cost you more than you know


Are you considering a loan against your 401(k)-retirement account? If so, you need to stop and think about this in a few ways, and none are more important than what this type of loan will cost you. Yes, this will be a very short paper but one that is filled with concepts that could save you tens of thousands over your working career that could lead to significantly less in retirement. We will look at 401(k) loans and the laws and regulations behind them. Then we will compare a 401(k) loan to two more traditional bank loans. And finally, I am hoping you will see the reason why a 401(k) loan may not be the best route for you and what the ultimate costs are over the long haul.


Are you considering a loan against your 401(k)-retirement account? If so, you need to stop and think about this in a few ways, and none are more important than what this type of loan will cost you. Yes, this will be a very short paper but one that is filled with concepts that could save you tens of thousands over your working career that could lead to significantly less in retirement. We will look at 401(k) loans and the laws and regulations behind them. Then we will compare a 401(k) loan to two more traditional bank loans. And finally, I am hoping you will see the reason why a 401(k) loan may not be the best route for you and what the ultimate costs are over the long haul.