Your Credit Report and You



This eBook may not be the longest, but it is one that is well worth the $2.99 price as it could save you a lot of time, hassle, and potentially hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Not to mention keep you out of trouble with the law and your creditors. “Your Credit Report and You” is an excellent resource for anyone who does not understand their credit report or their credit score. It explains how each is made up and what influences each of these two important financial pieces of our lives. If you want to please, look at the following table of contents to find out exactly what the eBook will address and cover.

Table of Contents

Why You Should Buy this eBook


What is a Credit Report?

Credit Repair Companies, Beware

Credit Scores

Credit Scores on Credit Reports

How to Establish a Credit Score

What May Lower Your Score

Maximize Your Score

Credit Counselors

How to Check Your Report

Once You Have Your Report

How to Address Errors the Right Way

Benefits of a Good Credit Score

Credit Report Myths


Do not pay a company to do what you can do yourself for free and 100% legally. Order your copy of “Your Credit Report and You” today and get on top of your financial situation as it relates to your credit report and your credit score.


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